But why?

So recently I've covered the topic of Vendoring C Dependencies in Rust and I've shown how to build a static library and link it to a Rust library.
In the same article I've also covered how hard it was to get a static library for smbclient
and so I even considered the approach I'm going to cover in this article, but at the time I didn't even know whether it was possible and the project of samba was probably not a good candidate to experiment with, since it's a mastodontic project.
But with a very simple C library I can now experiment with this approach and see if it works, and spoiler alert: it works!
So let's see how to embed a shared object in a Rust binary and load it at runtime.
The first thing I did was to setup a new Rust library with the following dependencies that we'll need to achieve this:
[dependencies]libc = "0.2"[build-dependencies]cc = "1"
Then I wrote a very simple C library that we'll use to test the dynamic loading of a shared library.
The C Library
I've created a very simple C library that just has a single function which sums two integers:
// libfoo.h#ifndef LIBFOO_H#define LIBFOO_Hint sum(int x, int y);#endif // LIBFOO_H
// libfoo.c#include <libfoo.h>int sum(int x, int y){return x + y;}
And we'll compile it to both a shared object and a static lib using Cmake
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)project(libfoo C)set(CMAKE_ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib)set(CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib)set(CMAKE_RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin)include_directories(include)set(SOURCES src/libfoo.c)add_library(foo_shared SHARED ${SOURCES})set_target_properties(foo_shared PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "foo")target_include_directories(foo_shared PUBLIC include)add_library(foo_static STATIC ${SOURCES})set_target_properties(foo_static PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME "foo")target_include_directories(foo_static PUBLIC include)
Bindings to Rust
We create a module in our library called libfoo_sys.rs
this this body:
use libc::c_int;#[link(name = "foo")]unsafe extern "C" {pub unsafe fn sum(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int;}
and in our lib.rs
we'll expose the sum
mod libfoo_sys;pub fn sum(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {unsafe { libfoo_sys::sum(x, y) }}
And that's all, now we can build the library and test it!
Build libfoo from Rust
Let's build the library from build.rs
at build.rs
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};use std::process::Command;use std::{env, fs};struct Artifacts {include_dir: PathBuf,lib_dir: PathBuf,}struct Build {out_dir: Option<PathBuf>,host: Option<String>,target: Option<String>,}impl Default for Build {fn default() -> Self {Self {out_dir: env::var_os("OUT_DIR").map(|s| PathBuf::from(s).join("foo-build")),host: env::var("HOST").ok(),target: env::var("TARGET").ok(),}}}impl Build {fn build(&self) -> Result<Artifacts, String> {let target = &self.target.as_ref().ok_or("TARGET dir not set")?[..];let host = &self.host.as_ref().ok_or("HOST dir not set")?[..];let out_dir = self.out_dir.as_ref().ok_or("OUT_DIR not set")?;let build_dir = out_dir.join("build");if build_dir.exists() {fs::remove_dir_all(&build_dir).map_err(|e| format!("build_dir: {e}"))?;}let inner_dir = build_dir.join("libfoo");fs::create_dir_all(&inner_dir).map_err(|e| format!("inner_dir: {e}"))?;// copy libfoo/ to build_dircp_r(&Self::source_dir(), &inner_dir)?;// init cclet mut cc = cc::Build::new();cc.target(target).host(host).warnings(false).opt_level(2);let compiler = cc.get_compiler();let mut cc_env = compiler.cc_env();if cc_env.is_empty() {cc_env = compiler.path().to_path_buf().into_os_string();}// build dirlet lib_build_dir = inner_dir.join("build");// remove build/ dir if it existsif lib_build_dir.exists() {fs::remove_dir_all(&lib_build_dir).map_err(|e| format!("lib_build_dir: {e}"))?;}fs::create_dir_all(&lib_build_dir).map_err(|e| format!("lib_build_dir: {e}"))?;// run cmakelet mut cmake = Command::new("cmake");cmake.arg("..");cmake.current_dir(&lib_build_dir);cmake.env("CC", cc_env);// runself.run_command(cmake, "cmake")?;// run makelet mut make = Command::new("make");make.current_dir(&lib_build_dir);self.run_command(make, "make")?;// get lib and include pathlet include_dir = inner_dir.join("include");let lib_dir = lib_build_dir.join("lib");Ok(Artifacts {include_dir,lib_dir,})}fn source_dir() -> PathBuf {Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("libfoo")}#[track_caller]fn run_command(&self, mut command: Command, desc: &str) -> Result<(), String> {println!("running {:?}", command);let status = command.status();let verbose_error = match status {Ok(status) if status.success() => return Ok(()),Ok(status) => format!("'{exe}' reported failure with {status}",exe = command.get_program().to_string_lossy()),Err(failed) => match failed.kind() {std::io::ErrorKind::NotFound => format!("Command '{exe}' not found. Is {exe} installed?",exe = command.get_program().to_string_lossy()),_ => format!("Could not run '{exe}', because {failed}",exe = command.get_program().to_string_lossy()),},};println!("cargo:warning={desc}: {verbose_error}");Err(format!("Error {desc}:{verbose_error}Command failed: {command:?}"))}}fn cp_r(src: &Path, dst: &Path) -> Result<(), String> {for f in fs::read_dir(src).map_err(|e| format!("{}: {e}", src.display()))? {let f = match f {Ok(f) => f,_ => continue,};let path = f.path();let name = path.file_name().ok_or_else(|| format!("bad dir {}", src.display()))?;// Skip git metadata as it's been known to cause issues (#26) and// otherwise shouldn't be requiredif name.to_str() == Some(".git") {continue;}let dst = dst.join(name);let ty = f.file_type().map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;if ty.is_dir() {fs::create_dir_all(&dst).map_err(|e| e.to_string())?;cp_r(&path, &dst)?;} else if ty.is_symlink() && path.iter().any(|p| p == "cloudflare-quiche") {// not needed to buildcontinue;} else {let _ = fs::remove_file(&dst);if let Err(e) = fs::copy(&path, &dst) {return Err(format!("failed to copy '{}' to '{}': {e}",path.display(),dst.display()));}}}Ok(())}
And finally, at least for the moment, let's link libfoo statically:
fn main() {build_and_link_libfoo();}fn build_and_link_libfoo() {println!("building vendored foo library...");let artifacts = Build::default().build().expect("build failed");println!("cargo:vendored=1");println!("cargo:root={}",artifacts.lib_dir.parent().unwrap().display());if !artifacts.lib_dir.exists() {panic!("libfoo lib does not exist: {}", artifacts.lib_dir.display());}if !artifacts.include_dir.exists() {panic!("libfoo include directory does not exist: {}",artifacts.include_dir.display());}println!("cargo:rustc-link-search=native={}",artifacts.lib_dir.display());println!("cargo:include={}", artifacts.include_dir.display());println!("cargo:rustc-link-lib=static=foo");}
Now if we run a simple test in lib.rs it should work:
#[cfg(test)]mod tests {use super::*;#[test]fn it_works() {let result = sum(2, 2);assert_eq!(result, 4);}}
cargo test
So that means that our build script is working and we can now use the library in our Rust code!
Embedding shared objects
Now what I want to try is the following:
- Remove the static linking (because we suppose that our project is mastodontic, it doesn't produce the static library and we don't figure out how to build it - like with samba you know)
- Build the shared object and embed it in the final binary with
macro - Load the shared object at runtime and call the function
So the first thing to do is to remove the static linking from the build script:
// we just keep this to build libfoofn build_libfoo() {println!("building vendored foo library...");Build::default().build().expect("build failed");}
Now if you run cargo test
it will fail because it won't link libfoo anymore
mold: fatal: library not found: foo
but that's exactly what we want!
Now we want to move libfoo.so
to the manifest directory:
fn build_libfoo() {println!("building vendored foo library...");let artifacts = Build::default().build().expect("build failed");let shared_object = artifacts.lib_dir.join("libfoo.so");let dest_dir = PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"));// copy shared object to dest_dirfs::copy(&shared_object, dest_dir.join("libfoo.so")).expect("failed to copy shared object to dest_dir");}
That will do the job, now we can add libfoo.so
in the .gitignore:
and now let's embed it in the final binary:
const LIBFOO_SO: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/libfoo.so"));
and now we need to load the shared object at runtime.
To do that we'll need two dependencies: one to create tempfile, so tempfile
and libloading which will help us to load the shared object.
[dependencies]libloading = "0.8"tempfile = "3"
Let's go back to our libfoo_sys.rs
First we need to create a static Once
to the temporary file and to the library:
static LIBFOO_SO_FILE: OnceLock<NamedTempFile> = OnceLock::new();static LIBFOO_LIB: OnceLock<Library> = OnceLock::new();
And then we create a init_libfoo
function which will create the temporary file and write the shared object to it:
fn init_libfoo() {LIBFOO_SO_FILE.get_or_init(|| {let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().expect("failed to create temp file");file.write_all(LIBFOO_SO).expect("failed to write to temp file");file});}
Finally, inside init_libfoo
, we need to load libfoo.so
, so it eventually will look like this:
pub unsafe fn init_libfoo() -> &'static Library {let libfoo_file = LIBFOO_SO_FILE.get_or_init(|| {let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().expect("failed to create temp file");file.write_all(LIBFOO_SO).expect("failed to write to temp file");file});LIBFOO_LIB.get_or_init(|| unsafe {Library::new(libfoo_file.path()).expect("failed to load libfoo.so")})}
Now we need to change the sum
behaviour to load the symbol from the library:
//#[link(name = "foo")]//unsafe extern "C" {// pub unsafe fn sum(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int;//}pub unsafe fn sum(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int {let libfoo = unsafe { init_libfoo() };let func = unsafe { libfoo.get::<unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int, c_int) -> c_int>(b"sum\0") }.expect("failed to get function");unsafe { func(x, y) }}
And if you try to run cargo test
now you'll see that it works!

Vendoring or not vendoring?
Now of course you may not want to always vendor, so we can add a feature vendored
to handle this. Let's see how our code would change:
[package]name = "embedded-so"version = "0.1.0"edition = "2024"build = "build.rs"[dependencies]libc = "0.2"libloading = { version = "0.8", optional = true }tempfile = { version = "3", optional = true }[build-dependencies]cc = { version = "1", optional = true }[features]default = ["vendored"]vendored = ["dep:cc", "dep:libloading", "dep:tempfile"]
and now we need to feature gate the build script:
#[cfg(feature = "vendored")]mod libfoo;fn main() {#[cfg(feature = "vendored")]libfoo::build_libfoo();}
and let's move all the other into the libfoo
Finally we need to feature gate the libfoo_sys.rs
#[cfg(not(feature = "vendored"))]mod dylib;#[cfg(feature = "vendored")]mod vendored;#[cfg(not(feature = "vendored"))]pub use self::dylib::*;#[cfg(feature = "vendored")]pub use self::vendored::*;
and we create a vendored.rs
like this:
use std::{io::Write as _, sync::OnceLock};use libc::c_int;use libloading::Library;use tempfile::NamedTempFile;const LIBFOO_SO: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/libfoo.so"));static LIBFOO_SO_FILE: OnceLock<NamedTempFile> = OnceLock::new();static LIBFOO_LIB: OnceLock<Library> = OnceLock::new();unsafe fn init_libfoo() -> &'static Library {let libfoo_file = LIBFOO_SO_FILE.get_or_init(|| {let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().expect("failed to create temp file");file.write_all(LIBFOO_SO).expect("failed to write to temp file");file});LIBFOO_LIB.get_or_init(|| unsafe {Library::new(libfoo_file.path()).expect("failed to load libfoo.so")})}pub unsafe fn sum(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int {let libfoo = unsafe { init_libfoo() };let func = unsafe { libfoo.get::<unsafe extern "C" fn(c_int, c_int) -> c_int>(b"sum\0") }.expect("failed to get function");unsafe { func(x, y) }}
and dylib.rs
use libc::c_int;#[link(name = "foo")]unsafe extern "C" {pub unsafe fn sum(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int;}
and the code is completely separated now, both dylib
and vendored
are working!
Extra - Deduplication of C symbols with a macro
Currently you may have noticed that we need to define C symbols twice, both for the vendored and the dynamic linking. Of course we could use a macro to solve this. Let's see how:
In our vendored.rs
we just keep this
use std::io::Write as _;use std::sync::OnceLock;use libloading::Library;use tempfile::NamedTempFile;const LIBFOO_SO: &[u8] = include_bytes!(concat!(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"), "/libfoo.so"));static LIBFOO_SO_FILE: OnceLock<NamedTempFile> = OnceLock::new();static LIBFOO_LIB: OnceLock<Library> = OnceLock::new();pub unsafe fn init_libfoo() -> &'static Library {let libfoo_file = LIBFOO_SO_FILE.get_or_init(|| {let mut file = NamedTempFile::new().expect("failed to create temp file");file.write_all(LIBFOO_SO).expect("failed to write to temp file");file});// load with libloadingLIBFOO_LIB.get_or_init(|| unsafe {Library::new(libfoo_file.path()).expect("failed to load libfoo.so")})}
and we get rid of the sum function and of dylib.rs
. Inside of libfoo_sys.rs
we can define a macro to define the exports:
#[cfg(feature = "vendored")]mod vendored;#[cfg(feature = "vendored")]pub use self::vendored::*;#[cfg(not(feature = "vendored"))]macro_rules! clib {($name:ident($( $arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty ),*$(,)?)-> $ret:ty) => {#[link(name = "foo")]unsafe extern "C" {pub fn $name( $( $arg_name : $arg_ty ),* ) -> $ret;}};}#[cfg(feature = "vendored")]macro_rules! clib {($name:ident($( $arg_name:ident : $arg_ty:ty ),*$(,)?)-> $ret:ty) => {pub unsafe fn $name( $( $arg_name : $arg_ty ),* ) -> $ret {let libfoo = unsafe { init_libfoo() };let func = unsafe { libfoo.get::<unsafe extern "C" fn($( $arg_ty ),*) -> $ret>(concat!(stringify!($name), "\0").as_bytes()) }.expect("failed to load function");unsafe { func( $( $arg_name ),* ) }}};}
And at this point we can declare the sum
C function easily like this:
clib!(sum(x: c_int, y: c_int) -> c_int);
And with this macro we can easily define all the C functions we need to use in Rust!

This is a great experiment and it's actually really cool in my opinion.
After my last article on Vendoring C Dependencies in Rust I really wanted to test this out since it was one of the point I've covered as a possible solution to the problem of vendoring C dependencies in Rust when you have a mastodontic project that won't build the static library.
Would I recommend using this approach over trying to build the static library no matter at what cost? I don't know, it depends on the project and the context.
For example Samba really drove me crazy and I couldn't build the static library, so I would have used this approach if I had known it before, but eventually I've found a brutal way to build the static library and I've used it.
But I'm sure that just embedding the shared object would have worked with that case, so I really don't know.
I think that this could be considered an option anyway, and I don't know whether it was ever covered in the Rust community or not, I've never seen it before.
Anyway, it's a cool experiment and I'm happy to have tried it out!